Podcast Talent Coach

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One of the biggest challenges podcasters face is how to make money with their show. The biggest reason podcasts don't make money is because the host doesn't have anything the listeners can buy. So, how do you figure out what to offer? What will your listeners actually buy? First, I want you to understand that people buy cheap products. They invest in expensive products. Be sure you are using the right language to attract your ideal clients. If you want to make meaningful money that will make a difference in your life, you need to find a few people who you can superserve at a high level and help them solve their problems. That is something that will get people to invest. WHO I HELP I was in a podcast Facebook group the other day. Somebody posted a meme of a skeleton sitting on a park bench with an exasperated look on its face. The caption said, "Me when I hear people ask how to monetize their podcast." There are many podcasters out there who want you to feel bad about having a desire to make money with your sh