Dr. Joe Tatta | The Healing Pain Podcast

Episode 279 | How Physical Therapy Can Benefit Patients With Depression And Mental Health Conditions With Tony Varela, PT, PhD



It is great to be here with you again. In each episode, we generally discuss the impact of physical therapy treatments on the management of chronic pain and other chronic diseases. From there, we have explored other overlapping problems and conditions, such as things like opioids, the over-prescribing of opioids or addiction, and the movement to choose physical therapy as an alternative to opioid medication. A clear movement also exists for a physical therapist to play a more pivotal role in treating and managing non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. This should not be too much of a leap because, as physical therapists, we have had a specialty in cardiopulmonary physical therapy for many decades. Something happened during the COVID-19 pandemic which changed our profession as well as changed our personal lives. America’s mental health declined, with anywhere between 28% to 40% of adults struggling with depression during the height of the pande