Original Transplants

Original Transplants Episode 28



Episode 28 of the Original Transplants Podcast features Satoyama Homestead stewards Will and Sarah discussing the early season bounty. In the apiary, a weak honey season has been a strong brood season with success in honey bee swarm trapping and hive splitting. The chicks are within weeks of fledging the nest, and Mayapple the momma hen sounds like she's preparing to resume egg laying. The homestead garden shifts from radishes, spinach, lettuce, peas, and broccoli to cabbage, beets, collards, kale, kohlrabi, tomatoes, and peppers, and the succession of berries and cherries are ripening. We discuss growing season pruning and sheet composting and then report on agricultural news from Lancaster Farming, including the triumphant return of "heirloom hybrid" Florida's Favorite watermelon after a 100-year hiatus and Tyson Foods' efforts for more humane and sustainable poultriculture.