Original Transplants

Ep. 33 - Winter Solstice Edition



Original Transplants podcast episode 33, Winter Solstice edition, finds homestead stewards Will and Sarah in good spirits on the first day of Winter. Will plans a final winter oxalic acid dribble treatment for varroa mites in the beehives, and starts planning supply and bee package purchases for the spring. Everyone is relieved that Mayapple the broody hen is showing progress on integrating into the flock she raised in May, thanks in large part to supportive behaviors by Jumpy the Rooster. Sarah and Will discuss homestead hacks for keeping off-the-grid chicken coops warm in the winter. Sarah is enjoying propagating plants on her 'tower of power' light rack on wheels, and also in mini-greenhouses from recycled gallon jugs out on the fallow garden plot. The homestead kitchen is serving up cocoa venison chili, peppermint meringues, custards and cookies for the season. We conclude the podcast with a nod to the oldest known hunter in the USA, and Sarah's solstice-inspired parody of A Visit fro