Original Transplants

Ep. 38 - Scythes and Spotted Lanternflies



Summer has arrived and the homestead is filled with miracles and madness. Sarah and Will respond to a listener letter about scything and sheet composing/lasagna gardening, explaining the ins and outs of their turf management. They next discuss the apiary and their friend Walt who does moonlight beekeeping. A miracle queen was born. A simpler method of beekeeping, the keeping of mason/orchard/leafcutter bees is discussed as well. Next, Will tells a long-winded story about how tough he had it with Sarah away. Chicken madness, snakes living in the house, and sleeping outside to protect their miracle momma Mayapple and her chicks all figure heavily into the drama. Next, Sarah and Will discuss the upper respiratory disease the chickens experienced and how they managed to get the flock through the worst of it.The edible landscape really has started to pay dividends, with berries galore, as well as peas, greens, and other goods for consumption and preservation. On the homestead, Will breaks his bow, they discuss bui