St. Aidan's Anglican Church, Kansas City - Weekly Talks

Following Christ Into The Desert IV, Practicing Our Righteousness, Fr. Michael Flowers 3-6-16



The Faith handed down to us by the apostles is not merely a set of beliefs, doctrines and propositions on which to sign off, but an integration of apostolic teachings expressing itself in a wide spectrum of holy practices as demonstrated throughout the NT writings. St. Paul concludes that nothing really matters in this life except “faith working (expressing itself) through love” (Gal 5:6). I believe this expression is both vertical and horizontal … as the great commandment prescribes, to love God with all and to love one's neighbor as oneself. To love others as oneself requires self-reflection, self-care and personal sacrifice (laying down our lives for one another). Jesus warns against ascetical frippery, to be impressive with one's spirituality; rather, Jesus lays out three holy practices, giving to the poor, fasting and prayer (Matt. 6:1-18), to be executed in a worshipful spirit before an audience of one, whether in private or corporate prayer and fasting. I want to submit to us that the phrase “pr