St. Aidan's Anglican Church, Kansas City - Weekly Talks

The Ascension Of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Fr. Michael Flowers - 05 - 08 - 16



The full plan of redemption involves not only Jesus’ death and resurrection … the climax is the Ascension. Why? When we say that Jesus is Lord, we are speaking of the Ascension. His ascension into heaven is speaking of his exaltation at the Father’s right hand. We’re speaking of another realm … not another place within time and space. We do not live in a two story universe … for he made all that is, seen and unseen. And in Jesus, he has united the seen and unseen … in his death, resurrection and ascension. What is the meaning of Christ’s Ascension into heaven? It expresses our belief that in Christ human nature, the humanity in which we all share, has entered into the inner life of God in a new and hitherto unheard of way. It means that humanity has found an everlasting dwelling in God. Heaven is not a place beyond the stars, but something much greater, something that requires far more audacity to assert: Heaven means that humanity now has a place in God. The basis or this assertion is the interpenetratio