St. Aidan's Anglican Church, Kansas City - Weekly Talks

7 Of 7. The Royal Priesthood And Mission_Canon Dr. Stephen Gauthier_Anglican Seminar 5 - 14 - 16



We gather on the Eve of Pentecost to be nurtured in our rich Anglican heritage. St. Aidan’s Anglican Church, KC, MO is a member of the Anglican Church of North America and a part of the Anglican Diocese of the Upper Midwest, a regional collective of churches called to foster a renewal of Word and Sacrament infused by the Holy Spirit (Scripture, Sacraments, Spirit). The Great Commission of Jesus calls us to the mission of making disciples through Word and Sacrament — (baptizing in the name of … teaching them to observe …). We believe there remains a great spiritual hunger in our secular age. Atheism is not so much an issue as the desire to be spiritual, not religious. Since our hearts are restless until they find their rest in God (St. Augustine), we affirm any spiritual hunger as a gift to be nurtured. Our task is to help connect this spiritual longing back to the historic roots of classical Christianity infused by the Holy Spirit. To this end, we are blessed to host Canon Dr. Stephen and Dr. Barbara Gauth