St. Aidan's Anglican Church, Kansas City - Weekly Talks

The Promise Fulfilled - Spirit, Scripture, Sacrament in Gal. 3 - Fr. Michael Flowers 7 - 10 - 16



Throughout the letter to the Galatians, Paul clarifies the Grand Narrative of the Gospel, rescuing and restoring creation out of the bondage of death and decay. Paul covers three broad categories for his exhortation in chapter 3: Spirit (1-5); Scripture (6-26); Sacrament (baptism, 27-29) The first five verses deal with their experience of the Spirit (previous sermon: He then appeals to Scripture and begins with Abraham. Why Abraham? Abraham and Sarah … chosen, elected by God, to become the Father and Mother of the One People of God … to become Israel, chosen to be a light and blessing to the nations of the earth. Abraham was chosen to be the Father of a people who’s seed (sperma) would undo the consequences of Eden, and to reverse the division, disintegration and disorder of Babel. Of course, Pentecost is the fulfillment of this. The Promise, the Spirit, comes and reestablishes communion among the nati