Elle Rambles

Part 2 Exercise Lingo



Don’t let the gym intimidate you! This podcast episode will empower, equip, and excite you to step foot into the gym and get to work on your fitness goals 1. Gym anxiety 2. Everyone was a beginner once 3. Gym etiquette 4. How to handle unsolicited advice 5. Getting to know the equipment in your gym 6. Busy gym tips 7. Hypertrophy (Muscle growth) 8. Importance of bodyweight strength training 9. Progressive overload 10. Building muscle creates a defined and toned physique 11. Scale Weight 12. 1 rep max and strength testing 13. Training Volume Defined 14. What occurs during a plateau 15. Deloading 16. Rest Days 17. Importance of training logs 18. Difference between using dumbbells and barbells 19. Understanding exercise selection 20. Interpreting the name of exercise: a piece of equipment, muscle group, and action (ex: barbell bicep curl) We hope you enjoyed this two-part episode! Inquiring about training with BestFit Body? Head over to: www.bestfitbody.com OR email Jules directly at bestfitb