Earth Speak With Natalie Ross And Friends

Emotional Alchemist Naomi Love on Trauma-Informed Somatic Womb Healing [episode 88]



Naomi Love shares about the role of the space holder to be trauma-informed and create a safe environment for healing work to happen. You’ll also hear about: What is somatic womb healing?  Creating space for integration  What happens when facilitator training is not trauma-informed  Cultivating resilience to meet what arises  ♥♥♥ Join The Earth Speak Collective Membership! Join like-hearted folks in a sacred container and community where you'll: Connect deeply to yourself, others, nature & spirit Learn to trust your intuition Activate your Earth magic Expand your healing & divination skills Put your intuition into practice in everyday life Stop feeling lonely on your spiritual path Embody & express your creative power & truths Experience safe space without agenda or judgment When you join the Collective, you get access to all of our past workshops, any live workshops happening while you're a member, live weekly energetic reset calls, monthly community rituals, all the secret episodes, membe