Series Podcast: This Way Out

DADT Repeal Anniversary



On the tenth anniversary of the repeal of the US military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy against lesbian, gay and bisexual people serving openly, we review our reporting from the day it happened, going back to the first gay discharge from the Continental Army and foreshadowing the hard decade it would take to extend rights to transgender service members, with comments by David McKean of the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (now the Modern Military Association of America) and author Aaron Belkin (How We Won: Progressive Lessons from the Repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”), music by Tom Goss and Matt Alber, and more. Hundreds of Missouri high school students protest the bullying of gay senior Danny Lillis, who with two allies was suspended along with the tormentor they fought off (with comments by Danny, his mom, and ally Malani Hohlbaugh, and music by Rachel Platten). And in NewsWrap: Turkish court finds no crime in Pride marching, Poland challenges E.U. legal supremacy over LGBTQ rights, Russian media