Series Podcast: This Way Out

AUS MP Fights Religious Bias & Inspired Activism



Family tragedy and his son’s non-conformity inform Australian M.P. Stephen Jones’ moving speech as P.M. Scott Morrison’s “Religious Discrimination Bill” is debated. The recent death of Archbishop Desmond Tutu gets the youth commentators of OutCasting Overtime about the true meaning of being an activist (“OutCaster” Tim, produced by Marc Sophos). And in NewsWrap: Poland "protects" students with anti-queer curriculum cops, Florida advances "Don't Say Gay" with Tennessee right behind, U.S. Senate confirms first lesbian of color to ambassador-level job, Cardinal Hollerith calls for Roman Catholic Church change on homosexuality, Indian officials want to get the "GAY" out of Gaya, and more international LGBTQ news reported this week by Wendy Natividad and John Dyer V (produced by Brian DeShazor). All this on the February 14, 2022 edition of This Way Out! Join our family of listener-donors today at