Series Podcast: This Way Out

Quack Therapy Bans & Queer Olympic Wins



Israel’s Health Ministry bars medical professionals from practicing counseling and/or prayer aimed at changing a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, and New Zealand’s Parliament prohibits such discredited “conversion therapy” after an emotional debate that included a speech by Green rainbow spokesperson MP Dr. Elizabeth Kerekere. The victories of Team LGBTQ at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing bring to mind our first encounter with co-founder Cyd Zeigler (a “This Way Out Rewind” from February 2002 with Rita Gonzalez). ONE Magazine’s original stocking-stuffer that jingled 1950s bells is a “Rainbow Minute” gift (read by Robey Martin, produced by Judd Proctor and Brian Burns). And in NewsWrap: the EuroCourt okays blocking funds to rights-violating Hungary and Poland, a Russian court rebuffs liquidation of a major queer rights group, Kuwait’s high court overturns an anti-trans “imitating the opposite sex” law, Thailand’s parliament passes the marriage equality buck to the Cabinet, t