Series Podcast: This Way Out

U.S. Supreme Court Queer Interconnections



The many complex consequences — unintended and intended — for LGBTQ rights and more as the U.S. Supreme Court considers reproductive freedom are analyzed by veteran journalist Lisa Keen (interviewed by Christopher Beale of “Out In The Bay.”) Pardoned presidential con man Steve Bannon and mercenary maven Erik Prince explain why it’s right for the U.S. right to love Putin’s Russia! And in NewsWrap: anti-LGBTQ hit squads said to follow Putin’s Ukraine invasion, queer Chechen siblings jailed for online youth activism, India’s Medical Commission calls for prosecution of conversion therapists, Mexico’s first non-binary birth certificate issued, Florida’s House won’t say gay, and more international LGBTQ news reported this week by Elena Botkin-Levy and Michael LeBeau (produced by Brian DeShazor). All this on the February 28, 2022 edition of This Way Out! Join our family of listener-donors today at