Series Podcast: This Way Out

Tasmanian Rights Turn 25 & Hate Sermon Souvenir!



Excerpts from a May, 1997 interview with Tasmanian activist Rodney Croome celebrate the 25th anniversary of the repeal of Australia’s last state sodomy law (Sydney correspondent Greg Reading). Maiden, North Carolina Baptist preacher Charles L. Worley vitriolic rant about “how to get rid of lesbians and queers” went viral in May, 2012. 640305 And in NewsWrap: Canadian blood donors draw equal treatment, Baja California governor blocks conversion therapy ban, Russia fines social media for “gay propaganda,” Missouri school district bans “safe” classrooms, Victoria town rejects IDAHOBIT rainbows, Disney refuses to “Doctor” Saudi’s “Multiverse,” and more international LGBTQ news reported this week by Marcos Najera and Michael Taylor-Gray (produced by Brian DeShazor). All this on the May 2, 2022 edition of This Way Out! Join our family of listener-donors today at