Power Hour With Alex Epstein

The rise of Michael Shellenberger and the energy humanist movement



On this week's Power Hour, Alex Epstein is joined by Michael Shellenberger, author of the bestselling Apocalypse Never and San Fransicko, to discuss Shellenberger's rising influence and, more broadly, the growing influence of "energy humanists." Some of the topics covered in this free-flowing discussion are: - What caused Shellenberger to be more open in challenging climate catastrophism? - The strong pushback Shellenberger got from donors for challenging the liberal orthodoxy around renewables and climate catastrophe. - How to use Twitter effectively. - How to avoid Twitter addiction. - The commonalities among the "woke" movement and the modern environmental movement. - The ESG movement's "success" in driving up oil and gasoline prices. - The importance of having a positive, alternative vision and policy when defending against attacks on civilization. - The role of government in a pro-nuclear movement.