Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#206: You have the choice + the responsibility to build in a meaningful way



Have you ever found yourself working countless hours on something only to realize that you want to throw it away? Not because you don’t love the overarching thing you created, but because you feel so burnt out by the process and the idea of doing it again makes your heart sink. Sometimes how we build something affects our ability to do it long term. One of the most important things we can do, that most people struggle with, is creating systems that align with who we are and how we thrive vs what we think we’re supposed to do. How can one know what will work without first trying different things? The reality is we can’t fully know until we try. Which is why when you’re in those first few years of business you want to avoid putting all your eggs into one basket. I have seen so many entrepreneurs burnt out, wanting to throw in the towel because they are spinning their wheels going nowhere. The reason they’re stuck is because they are in the wrong gear and need to adjust. As an example I am someone who thrives w