Coffee Break Spanish

CBS Mag 4.02 | Ritmos latinos: la bachata



Welcome to another episode of the Coffee Break Spanish Magazine! This time Mark and Anabel go through a text about bachata, a popular type of Latin music, and discuss its origin and influences. Along the way, we provide explanations about a range of grammar and vocabulary points including: how to use se trata de and trata de to mean 'it’s about'; using the prefix des- in words like desamor and deshacer; and using the passive se. To finish, Marina joins Mark to discuss our cherry on top: dar el do de pecho.In each episode of this 10-lesson season for intermediate learners you can build your vocabulary, increase your understanding of grammar and learn to use the Spanish language in a more natural way. This series is aimed at intermediate Spanish learners.There will be a total of 10 episodes of Season 2 of the Coffee Break Spanish Magazine. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, transcripts, vocabulary. lists and exercises, you can access the premium version of the Magazine here.Don't forget to follow