St. Luke Columbus

The Final Four, Part 4: Grace // Steve Brown



Our greatest reality and hope is that, by grace alone, we have been made beloved children of God and inheritors of God’s eternal kingdom. GRACE is the final word I leave with this church family. Grace was the first word that I preached on September 10, 2000, and the final word I left with the family of St. Paul’s Lutheran in Maumee, Ohio on August 20, 2000.   Article IV of the Augsburg Confession on Justification teaches that we cannot be justified before God by our own strength, merits or works, but are freely justified for Christ’s sake through faith, when we believe that we are received into favor and that our sins are forgiven for Christ’s sake, who by His death has made satisfaction for our sins. This faith God accounts as righteousness in His sight. Martin Luther said that this is the article of faith upon which the Church stands or falls. Indeed, the reality of God’s grace in Christ is the hope upon which we stand or fall.   Relentlessly trust that your primary reality and hope is in the grace of God p