Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio




Today I want to talk to you about our “amen.” We “amen” God's promises, but do we “amen” God's process? Do we “amen” God's principles? In Genesis 15:6 NKJV "Abraham believed in the Lord, and the Lord accounted it to him as righteousness." The word used here in the Hebrew is “amen.” I found that interesting. For me it spoke differently. Abraham “amened” in the Lord, he “amened” the promise. Abraham had no children, but it was his deepest desire to have a son. God took him outside and said “Look at the stars, if you could count the stars, that's how many descendents you will have.” Think bigger. See the vision clearer. Abraham “amened” the promise. Then, in Genesis 17:10-11, God visits and tells him to circumcise all the men in the house. Wait, what? Sometimes God is going to ask you to do things that might be tough. Love your enemy. Lay down your life. Pick up your cross if you want to follow Christ. Circumcision - Abraham could have