Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio

Not By Sight



Today I want to talk to you about "not walking by sight." Peter is on the water… walking. My sight is my reality. The reality is, we can't step out and pay our bills. The reality is, every time I love someone I get a broken heart. The reality is the car is not starting. The reality is you cannot walk on water. It's soft. But as long as Peter is staring at the Messiah, he's doing it. Then he checks out reality, getting a quick update. Splash. Well if I'm not looking at my reality, what should I look at? I Samuel 16:7 says, "For the Lord does not see as a man sees." What do we see? Well, we see physical stuff. We see the bank account. We see the symptoms. We see "I can't." We see being stuck. “I’ll never get out of this rat race!” We see weakness. We see discouragement. This is a problem. II Corinthians 5:7 KJV says, "For we walk by faith and not by sight." I say to my wife, “The reality is my hair is falling out, does it bother you?”