Let's Talk Marketing With Denise Fay

Getting Intentional with Content Marketing



Getting Intentional with Content Marketing In this week’s podcast, I ask you to do one thing, be one thing from here on out...be intentional with content marketing. Content marketing is everywhere – content is everywhere and yes, content is king on the Internet. It’s the oil that keeps the engine going. But here’s the thing – I want you to stand out, step up and market your business your way. Posting lots of content with no clear objective is not standing out, it’s not stepping up and it’s not marketing your business your way. It’s doing the way that everyone else is doing it. That stops today. Take a listen to this short podcast where I introduce you to the Fay Way to Content Marketing. In this podcast you’ll hear why it’s important you do content your way three ways to start doing content marketing with intention shift your thinking in how you do content marketing Building connection, building relationships and building community can all start with the right content. Discover how in this podcast – Get