Unleash Your Greatness Within




I often say, "True freedom comes from self-restraint. Desires and passions without self-discipline eventually lead to pain." In other words, is it possible that too much freedom without self-restraint can lead to future imprisonment? Isn't this what addictions do? When you are addicted, you give your "personal power" over to the addiction, and it becomes a never-ending cycle of control by external means. Self-restraint means that you have a vision for your life, a specific focus for your life, and because of this, you hold YOURSELF accountable for the results. Freedom and responsibility go hand-in-hand! Former Nazi concentration camp survivor and bestselling author Victor Frankl once said: "I recommend that the Statue of Liberty on the East Coast be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast." Freedom doesn't come from freedom; it comes from restraint and responsibility. Personal liberty comes from the discipline within the individual to not trade what they want for the moment for what they