G.n.a. Podcast

G.N.A. Podcast Episode 311: Clicky Game Clicky Something



*click* Join Cecil, Dee from*click*Microbrew*click*Gamers and Eran da*click*Destroyer while they hang*click*out and play Visceral*click*Cleanup Horror C. Noone*click*knows how to use*click*MicMute anymore*click*it seems so*click*you get the fun listen*click*of clicks*click*all throughout.*click*Yeah Cecil could have*click*edited it*click*all out,*click*but where is the fun in that?*click*So,*click*now you*click*get to hear*click*all the clicks*click*in all their gl*click*ory, Yeah*click*not our best*click*performance,*click*but hey*click*it*click*could be*click*worse*click*.