Dracaena Wines Podcast

Continuing the Conversation with Natalie MacLean



It’s Monday, Let’s raise a glass to the beginning of another week. It’s time to unscrew, uncork or saber a bottle and let’s begin Exploring the Wine Glass! Today, I continue the conversation with the extremely impressive Natalie MacLean. If you didn’ t listen last week, please go back and hear the beginning of our conversation. You won’t be sorry! If you did listen last week, welcome back! Natalie shares more of her incredible wine journey today, including a very special offer to any listener who would like to be a beta reader for her next book. It’s easy, its fun and you get a sneak peek! Beta reading is an opportunity to let her know your thoughts on the story before it is released.  Enjoy the conversation  find out more about Natalie at www.nataliemaclean.com While you are listening, please take a moment to rate and review Exploring the Wine Glass. Ratings are now available, on Apple Podcasts,Spotify and Audible! Taking one minute of your time is the only way the algorithms will suggest Exploring the Wine