Dr. Joe Tatta | The Healing Pain Podcast

Episode 274 | Ketogenic Diet: How It Improves Pain And Central Sensitization With Rowena Field, PhD, M. Physio



In this episode, we are discussing the latest evidence which supports the use of a ketogenic diet and its potential impact on pain and central nervous system sensitization. My guest is Dr. Rowena Field. She is a physiotherapist with many years of experience, primarily in chronic pain management. We discussed the results of her recent PhD dissertation, where she investigated the use of a ketogenic diet for the treatment of chronic pain and now incorporates this approach in her physiotherapy practice. We will discuss how a ketogenic diet impacts pain, blood biomarkers, and quality of life for patients with chronic pain and other chronic health conditions. This is sponsored by the Functional Nutrition for Chronic Pain Practitioner Certification. In this training, you will learn how to apply diet and nutrition for multiple chronic pain syndromes, including how to use a ketogenic diet for the treatment of chronic pain. Without further ado, let's begin. Let’s meet Dr. Rowena Field and learn about how a ketogenetic