The Trainingbeta Podcast | A Rock Climbing Podcast

TBP 201 :: Dr. Jared Vagy on Finger Injuries and Protocols



Dr. Jared Vagy is a physical therapist and he’s a climber who’s incredibly motivated to help other climbers heal their bodies. In this interview, we talk about new research about common finger injuries in climbers and how that’s affected his protocols for healing them. We did another interview about fingers a long time ago in Episode 116, but this is an update to that information and a deeper dive into it. Jared’s book Climb Injury-Free is on its seventh print run and is back in stock (finally). Order his book here. This interview is super in-depth and he describes exact protocols to use on finger injuries, so I hope it helps you out if you have a finger injury now or if you have in the past. More Details 40% of climbing injuries are fingers! Most common finger injuries and how they happen Pulleys vs tendons explained How to diagnose finger injuries How new research has affected his protocols What the popping sound is during an injury How long recovery takes Two ways to approach pulley sprains Medications an