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331: Donato Tramuto - Compassionate Leadership: How To Lead With Compassion



Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to achieve a common goal. Compassionate leadership is the type of leadership that takes into account the feelings and emotions of others. It is based on the idea that if we can understand and feel what others are feeling, then we can better lead them. Compassion is a feeling of love or sympathy for others. We can show compassion towards others by doing things like being understanding and nonjudgmental, listening attentively, providing emotional support, and offering practical help. Compassion is a vital ingredient for strong leadership, and it should be at the forefront of our minds whenever we make decisions that affect other people. The best leaders make everyone around them better — they help individuals reach their full potential, and they create an environment where innovation and creativity thrive. Compassionate leadership has the potential to create a ripple effect on not only the local community but also on the world at large. When leaders ta