Online Marketing

JLDC 0017: Internet Marketing FAQ Podcast – May 27th 2014



Topics discussed during this podcast include; Blog setup strategies Best traffic sources Which autoresponder should you go with? and much more You can play the podcast here: Your browser does not support the audio element.   Here's a timeline of the topics discussed during the podcast: 0:00 - Introduction 5:00 - Strategies for setting up a blog 13:45 - How does Trafficvance (PPV) work? 16:20 - Which autoresponder is better: Getresponse or Aweber? 21:00 - Best sources for traffic generation   Websites referenced during the podcast: (Note: All links open in a new tab) FREE PDF Download - The Online Business Resource Report - All 84 Tools & Services I Use In My Online Business! Propel Media - high quality, penny PPV traffic (formerly known as Trafficvance) Aweber Getresponse   This podcast is a recording of the live weekly conference calls held exclusively for the members of my List Marketing System. Typically discuss ways we can drive traffic to our squeeze pages to build our list but discus