Online Marketing

JLDC 0093: Interview with Dr. Christopher Friesen – Peak Performance Coach



If you're struggling to achieve success, it's most probably because you're not setting the right goals for yourself. In this interview with performance psychologist, Dr. Chris Friesen, we talk about some of the common mistakes people make that stops them from getting what they want out of life. Topics discussed during this podcast include; Why aren't most people able to stay focused and motivated in achieving their goals? How can we set achievable goals? The impact on your life once you understand your purpose And much more! You can play this session of the podcast here: Your browser does not support the audio element. Websites referenced during the podcast: (Note: All links open in a new tab) FREE PDF Download - The Online Business Resource Report - All 84 Tools & Services I Use In My Online Business! Achieve: Find Out Who You Really Are, What You Want, And How To Make It Happen Here's a timeline of the topics discussed during the podcast: 0:30 - Short bio of Dr. Christo