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JLDC 0110: Damion Lupo – They WILL Take Your Money



The banks and the Government WILL take your money. It's just a matter of when. Just ask Damion Lupo. Sorry, your 401k and superannuation accounts are not safe. Most people don't realize what measures governments have taken to get out of debt, including taking their own citizens money. Most people don't also realize just how much they're paying in exorbitant fund manager fees, that they just don't need to. In this interview with Damion Lupo, he shares with us some great insights into what is really happening with your retirement fund. The government is not going to take care of your finances for you. Neither is your hedge fund manager. No one will take care of your finances better than you can. The good news is that there are a lot of options available for you. Topics discussed during this podcast include; Why your 401k or superannuation account is not safe The options you have in what you can do with your retirement money Why you shouldn't trust banks and fund managers And much more! You can p