Story Grid Podcast

Point of View: It's WAY more than 1st, 2nd, and 3rd



Is it first or third person? Past or present tense?As you'll see in this week's podcast episode, Point of View is about way more than this.See more here: story’s global Point of View includes the technical choices writers make to deliver the story to the reader. The POP premise and Narrative Device suggest Point of View combinations that create the effect of the story told by the Author to the single Audience member.Person refers to the vantage point from which the written story is presented the reader.First Person: I (or we) wrote a story.Second Person: You wrote a story.Third Person: Alex (or she or he or they) wrote a story.Tense distinguishes the timeframe of the story.Past: I wrote a scene.Present: You write (or are writing) a scene.Future: Alex will write a scene.Mode: The final technical choice focuses on how the information is presented. This is the storytelling Mode.Showing is an objective and immediate mode that creates the effect of being present and observing t