Three Dogs North

S11 Episode 32- The fourth port



In this episode, the dogs talk in-person at Rob's house in Maryville, IL (1:50). They share highlights from the 2022 Three North Hangout which include, but are not limited to: a steak dinner (2:35), the Cathedral Basilica in St. Louis (2:10), the Gateway to the West (10:40), a concelebrated funeral Mass (15:51), and Connor's inaugural viewing of Babette's Feast (2:38). Mike and Connor gush over Rob's hospitality (23:00) and they all discuss the importance of hierarchies (25:45) and order (36:40). Quotes: “Things are always greater than we can initially perceive.” (Mike, 12:35) "Oh, how you will enchant the angels!" (from Babette's Feast, 14:55) “In the end, what’s most essential about this guy is that he is a soul loved by Christ. That he believes in Him. That he will go with Him when he gets called.” (Connor, 17:50) "If sins are like garbage, then the priest is like God’s garbage-man." (Fr. Mike Schmitz, 27:00)  “All is grace. Everything is possible. Reality is actually more wonderful than