Design Details

1: How Nerdy of an Answer Do You Want? (feat. Sam Soffes)



The first episode of Design Details has arrived! For our opening show, we sat down with designer and developer Sam Soffes to talk about his latest project (Whiskey), building in public, brag-driven development and his interest in working as a designer. This is our first episode and we're learning a lot! We'd love your feedback or suggestions - give a shout on Twitter, @designdetailsfm or send us a private email! Sam Soffes on the Web: Website / Portfolio Twitter Github Instagram Nothing Magical Whiskey Markdown Editor Sam's Blog Sam's Video Podcast More About Sam Hire Sam Show Notes: 1:35 - We chat with Sam about his latest labor of love, Whiskey. Tim Van Damme of Dropbox designed a theme Sam is building Whiskey in public via feedback on Twitter and with public release notes 6:30 - We talk about some of Sam's older projects. Cheddar (which we compared to Whiteboard) Shares 7:50 - Discussion about the difficulty selling apps, including Cheddar and Roon Ghost Acquires Roon Roon's open-source Gh