Design Details

16: Extravagant Shallowness (feat. Khoi Vinh)



This week we caught up with Khoi Vinh, an insightful and talented designer making Wildcard in New York City. In this Skype chat we talked about designing for the tablet, honesty on the web and how Khoi manages to maintain so many projects! If you have feedback or suggestions please don't hesitate to reach us on Twitter at @designdetailsfm or email us directly! Sponsors: IconFinder - Promo code 'ROBOT' for 50% off your first month of Iconfinder Pro! InVision Khoi on the Web: Twitter Website Wildcard How They Got There Dribbble Instagram Show Notes: 5:00 - We catch up with Khoi and chat about his current project, Wildcard. Wildcard Jordan Cooper Doug Petkanics Eric Tang Stephen Meszaros 9:00 - Khoi tells us more about the specifics of designing at Wildcard, including why cards are the future of the web. What is a card? Cards are the future of the web 15:00 - How have you become such a prolific design writer? Khoi's book, How They Got There Ordering Disorder: Grid Principles for Web Desi