American Journal Of Psychiatry Audio

April 2022: Effects of County-Level Opioid Dispensing Rates on Individual-Level Patterns of Prescription Opioid and Heroin Consumption: Evidence From National U.S. Data



Dr. Brian Kelly (Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana) discusses a study that found recent efforts to curb opioid prescriptions appear to have had an effect on reducing prescription opioid misuse and dependence, with no evidence that shifts in local-level opioid dispensing affected odds of heroin use, frequency of heroin use, or heroin dependence. Afterwards, Journal Editor-in-Chief Dr. Ned Kalin discusses what pulls the March issue of AJP together. Kelly interview [00:30] Why county level data? [01:22] What accounts for the variation between counties? [02:28] Decreased prescription rates did not lead to increased heroin usage [04:07] How do we ensure the needs of those who need pain management? [04:55] What should happen with opioid dispensing practices? [06:10] National Survey on Drug Use and Health [07:30] Next steps [08:35] Kalin interview [09:34] Vuolo and Kelly [09:58] Watts et al. [11:25] O’Keeffe et al. [14:25] Sohal [17:35] Chung et al. [18:35] Summary [23:05] Be sure to let your colleag