Major Radio

News For The Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Sabotaging Change



Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Sabotaging Change. Tom and I enjoyed this discussion of how fear often sabotages our desire to change. We all want to Grow UP, but to do that we have to make changes in our life. Often even when it is our hearts desire we can sabotage this. It is always due to Fears, the fear of the Unknown or Known - when we fear that the same problems of before will repeat a pattern. Also, there is the New Age belief that if it is difficult - then it isn't meant to be. This sabotages us often because real change isn't easy. We discussed various examples of how we sabotage, from relationships, to new jobs, to school and our fear for our children. It takes Positivity, our focus on Others and Courage to Grow Up. It takes making change from a place of Love instead of fear. Let's make these changes and Give Love. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We're Getting to the Heart of what Matters!