Veterinary Clinical Podcasts

03 Polyuria/polydipsia (PU/PD)



Polyuria/polydipsia (PU/PD) is a common presenting complaint in small animal practice; a number of different disease states can disrupt normal physiology resulting in this problem. In this episode I discuss PU/PD with Dr Rosanne Jepson who is a Lecturer in Internal Medicine at the QMHA. Some of the things we discuss include what we mean by polyuria and polydipsia, background pathophysiology that can lead to this problem, and a rational approach to the PU/PD patient. Find out more about CPD from the RVC featuring Rosanne here If you have any comments or suggestions, please get in touch (email; tweet @RoyalVetCollege using #saclinpod; or use the RVC's Facebook page). Also please rate the podcasts in iTunes.