Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

White Supremacy and the Politics of Personal Destruction | The Mark Harrington Show | 8-15-19



Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law professor at Harvard University, wrote a post Sunday on Twitter about racism and opposition to abortion. “White Supremacists oppose abortion because they fear it’ll reduce the number of white infants and thus contribute to what they fear as non-white ‘replacement,’” Tribe wrote. “Never underestimate the way these issues and agendas are linked.” This tactic is par for the course for pro-abortion advocates and the political left. Rather than substantively engage on the issues they turn to what former president Bill Clinton referred to as “the politics of personal destruction.” And why not? To debate the issues requires some intellectual rigor. It is easier to be lazy and simply trash your opponent’s character when you have the media, pop culture and most of the institutions of higher learning on your side. But this won’t ultimately get the job done! The steady proclamation of truth is the tried and true way to change culture. Professor Tribe ignored the eugenic roots o