Radio Free Krypton

'Avengers: Endgame' is so good that you'll want to watch Thor 2



Ep 121: 'Avengers: Endgame' was a cultural phenomenon tying together 11-years worth of movies. To tackle that behemoth, RFK assembles a panel of Avengers featuring friends of the show Christine Chua, Sebastian Yūe and Nathaniel Crouch. THERE ARE MAJOR SPOILERS IN THIS SHOW. On the docket: How can we judge 'Endgame' as a movie? What was the best storyline the film resolved? What was the standout moment? Was 'Endgame' a good ending? How would you change it? Where does the MCU go next? RFK airs first on CJRU 1280 AM in Toronto. This episode was produced by Justin Chandler.