Is This Podcast Paleo? Crossfit, Food, Lifting And Paleo For Real People

#73 – You Are NOT Lucky! McDonalds and Cadbury Cream Eggs, and Our 2017 CrossFit Open Recap



The team is back together and this week we’re going on some good old fashion rants. First, let’s recap the 2017 CrossFit Games Open.  Listener Question: Tracking Macro’s. What to do about cooking oils. Do you include them when counting? Then we’ll get into it. The rant: Responding to ‘You’re so lucky!’, Why your health and fitness has NOTHING to do with luck. Nostalgia in ‘bad’ foods. McDonalds and Cream Eggs, anyone? Why buying the ‘more expensive’ foods matter long term for the greater good. Seriously Paleo: raw liver. Catch up with Kristin at or @TheGirlWithTheButter. Get more from Everett at or @PaleoFatKid Don’t forget about our awesome sponsors!! This episode is brought to you by PureWOD. PureWOD offers high quality, junk-free, additive-free, dairy-free protein, pre workout, and more. We’re loving the GREENS Micronutrient Powder. Filled with 14 servings of organic fruits and vegetables, like alfalfa leaf, wheatgrass, barley grass, broccoli, cabbage, kale, spiruli