Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: A New Ham Surprise, Our Community and a SK



In this, the 75th installment of Ham Radio 360 Podcast we talk Community. You hear me harp on community almost daily.  It's real to me, and I hope this program helps it continue to grow.  While there are tons of negatives in our hobby, I always stretch to find the high points.  One of those highs came to me a few months back.  A gracious listener charged me with finding a New Ham that needed some help getting started with quality equipment.  I assumed this would be an easy task with so many new hams flooding in...it was a little tougher than I had imagined! It seems that most new hams are hitting the ground running and purchasing big items straight out of the gate.  That was until I met Josh Hunley, KD9GOT.  I won't spoil the story because I want you to listen to him tell it!  We surprise Josh with some really cool gear purchased by our Gracious Listener and supplied by MTCRadio.com! We carry on to the #KX2forCale!  Yes, I have an KX2 in the shack-sent over from Elecraft to demo this Spring as I begin to e