Three Dogs North

S11 Episode 28 – Into the A-Bisc



In this episode, the dogs talk about Mike’s new assignment with the 82nd Airborne Division (4:00) and the fulfillment of a decade-long call to be an Army chaplain (10:20). Mike (20:30) and Rob (23:54) lament the loss of their own hair. Connor offers a prediction for the future of the cast (29:50) and they all find a way to offend conductors and balding men alike (25:19). “You can’t save these people, but that’s not your job. Your job is to do what Jesus is asking and know that He is going to be faithful.”Fr. Michael Metz Quotes: “Over the years I've grown in deep confidence in Jesus’ fidelity to people.” (Mike, 11:42)“You can’t save these people, but that’s not your job. Your job is to do what Jesus is asking and know that He is going to be faithful.” (Mike, 12:21)“You’re going to where the edge is, to the people that are on it and giving them the Sacraments. You have to be responsive to reality, as it is.” (Connor, 13:47)“The point of us being on the internet is to gather a coterie of humans that in