Beth Jones International Speaker

The Question Box: How Do You Write Your Books So Fast?



One of the questions that I've been asked most frequently as a speaker, author, wife, and mom is, "Beth, how do you write your books so fast?" I don't feel that I do, but my Facebook friend Maria Newcomer did and she asked me this question recently on Facebook. I'm about to publish my 13th book on Amazon, which is my new fiction book, Afflicted: A woman missionary kidnapped by terrorists in the jungles of Africa. The way that I've written all my books is the "butt in chair" method: sitting my butt down in the chair and writing! In this episode of "The Question Box" podcast, I answer Maria's question, sharing my best tips as an Amazon Best Seller author. To be first to hear about my new book, Afflicted, sign up with your name and email address at To learn more about my other books at Amazon, visit my Amazon Author page at --- Support this podcast: