Hopping Mad With Will Mcleod & Arliss Bunny

Conspiracy Theories, Social Security & Democracy



16 May 2016 - When you have Mark Potok, from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), on for the interview, you already know it's going to be a good show. Mark is the editor of the SPLC quarterly journal, Intelligence Report and most of this interview is based upon an article he and Don Terry wrote for the Winter issue, Margins to the Mainstream. While Mark is one of the leading experts in the country on extremism (and we will have him back in a few weeks on that very subject) this article took a look at the conspiracy theories which have seeped into the mainstream of politics from the radical right. In this, the season of Trump, it seemed apropos. Will takes a thoughtful stroll around democracy. Once initially ensconced, most citizens tend to think of democracy as a done deal but it is a process and, certainly, both in North America and in Europe, it is undergoing change, some good and some bad. Will knows where he wants to go and that's what he's "on about" today. I'm off on