Mental Mastery Mondays | Life Purpose, Productivity, And Self-discipline

What to Do When You Feel Lost in Life - Ep. 130



I love auto racing. I used to dream of doing some cross-country rally racing back when I was in my early 20’s.  I loved the complexity of it.  With a rally race, it’s not like other types of auto racing where you’re on a track, you drive fast, turn left, drive fast, turn left, drive fast… and continue like this until you see someone waving that checkered flag. If you’ve ever seen Cannonball Run, a movie from back in the 80’s, you know what a rally race is like.  It’s a real race that happens every year.  In Europe there are Rally races through towns and cities all the time. In a rally race, you drive for days over long distances.  You have to know where you’re ultimately going and your checkpoints along the way.  I thought this was a great analogy for this episode…   Sometimes Lost is Good Sometimes feeling lost is great. We must have down time - Sometimes our spirit our soul will force it upon us by causing us to feel “lost” or to remove our drive for a specific destination.  Consider this a rest area in lif