Mental Mastery Mondays | Life Purpose, Productivity, And Self-discipline

Force Yourself To Feel Like You’re Behind - Ep. 136



If you're anything like me, you do your best work when you're facing a very real deadline with serious consequences or when you're part of group who you need to keep up with cause the entire group to fall behind. In this episode, we look at ways we can capitalize on this for increasing our daily productivity.  Give these a try in your day and let me know what worked best for you. Surround Yourself With More Productive People Hire an employee who runs faster than you. Someone you have to work at to keep up with. Someone who is nipping at your heels and ready to do your job.  This will make you feel like you’re falling behind every step of the way.  Talk about last minute… talk about forcing you to do more.  Join a Group Who Are Doing More Than You. I experienced this lesson myself this past year, with this podcast.  I went with a friend of mine, Jeff Brown, the host of the Read to Lead Podcast, which I highly recommend you listen to regularly, to New Media Expo in Las Vegas.  Jeff, my friend, was a superstar a