Mental Mastery Mondays | Life Purpose, Productivity, And Self-discipline

A Tool to Help You Stickk To Your Goals - Ep. 139



If you listened to this past Tuesday’s episode, I shared with you some ways you can help yourself become more productive, as I do every Tuesday.   One of those ways I suggested was to create deadlines with very real consequences.  The kind of consequences you’re going to do whatever you can to avoid.  Today I’m sharing with you and app that will help you do exactly that.   Stickk -  This is an app that comes out of Yale University.  It’s legit.  It’s got a lot of science behind it and it works!   Professor Dean Karlan teaches Economics and Professor Ian Ayers teaches law, both at Yale University.  They partnered with one of their students, Jordan Goldberg, to create a tool they knew would help people achieve their goals, and it works. Here’s why…  Stickk gives you a platform where you can create what the founders call Commitment Contracts. This is a contract you create with YOURSELF, but… there’s more to it than that.  We’ve all tried that and seen it fail time and time again.  A Commitment Contract involves