Mental Mastery Mondays | Life Purpose, Productivity, And Self-discipline

Eating For Productivity - Ep. 141



Today, the 22nd, as I record this, is my birthday. Along with birthdays comes…  birthday … cake. Wow, I can NOT focus after that piece of birthday cake.  I’m telling you, I’m distracted and unable to finish what I’ve started. It’s a struggle to do the outline for this show.  Let’s talk about why this happens and what we can do to not only avoid it, but reverse the scenario, and it doesn't just come from cake.  Glucose is Our Fuel Glucose is what most of our food turns into and it’s what we need for energy.  Without it, we crash and burn. We have zero energy. Research indicates the optimum level of glucose in our blood stream is 25 grams.  That’s about what you’ll get from one banana but keep in mind, that glucose is consumed over time. So you have to work at keeping your levels balanced. Too high and you suffer, too low and you suffer. You can do that by regulating your intake through grazing or by eating foods that are low on the Glycemic Index, which means they release glucose more slowly…  Amino Acids Tyro